Sunday, February 17

Who'd a thunk it?

I've won a blogging award! The lovely Cathy over at Love and Madness in Suburbia has 'presented' me with the Arte y pico award. The award is given for design, creativity, interest and benefit to blogdom.

I have to dedicate the design part of this award to Blogger since it's their template ha ha (although I did take the photo on the banner) but I'm taking full credit for the rest because I haven't won an award before and I'm damned if I'm going to be modest about it.

So do you want to see it? Ok.... trumpet fanfare.......tah dah!!!!!

Pretty no? That is so going on my mantlepiece.

So now I pass it on, the rules say I must...

  • Post the award on your own blog including a link to the blogger who gave it to you.

  • Indicate its origin and link to that site - Arte Y Pico from Uruguay.

  • Give the award to 5 blogs that you enjoy, find creative and inspire you.

So I would like to pass it on to.....(and this was REALLY HARD, there are so many blogs I love!)

Tales from Simon's house - because she's funny, clever and extremely creative and has inspired me to learn to knit - properly.

Calm Creative - it's like a visit to a Zen garden.

Philip Carr-Gomm's Weblog - fascinating and thought provoking.

Tiny happy - beautiful crafts and wonderful images.

Homespun Living - taking creativity and inspiration to a whole new level.

There are so many blogs that I enjoy for so many different reasons, so it was difficult to narrow it down. I tried the 'Desert Island Blogs' strategy and these are the 5 blogs I'd take with me to a desert island - because my island would have electricity and internet access.

Thanks again Cathy, much appreciated.


Cathy said...

My pleasure!

I know what you mean about it being hard to choose - I recently went on the hunt for even more blogs to add to my daily reading :)

I think the next thing I'm going to do is go through all my regular reads and see who is on THEIR blog list! No wonder I get nothing else done around here ;)

Kate James said...

Thank you Caitlin...that made my day! I agree that it's so difficult to choose but I'm flattered to be on your list.

Now for the difficult task of narrowing down my own selection so I can pass it on...

homespun living said...

Caitlin, thanks so much ~ I appreciate it!
