Friday, May 4 of my favourite things. Not.

Today was Hannah's school sports day. As we have had so much rain the school oval is water-logged and the whole thing had to be re-assessed, after which it was decided the younger children could have their games in the school hall. The big kids had to do theirs in the cold on the tennis courts. Cruel, but fair I felt, because my child is one of the younger ones.

It all started at 11.30am. We endured enjoyed a welcome from the principal and a mercifully short prayer from the Religious Instruction teacher (called….wait for it….Mr Priest ha ha ha ha ha ha ha). How I laughed. Probably a little too loudly. However, he got his own back by refusing to sit down until everyone, Catholic or not, had crossed themselves. I somehow managed to do this without spontaneously bursting into flames or being struck by sudden and unexpected indoor lightening. Clearly the man was an Inqusitor in a past life, but I digress. After all that the house teams got to shout their 'team war cries'. These had been written by the (12 year old) house captains - they were not just clever, they were hilarious...oh, and LOUD. Then the big kids were sent away to do their sports in the Siberian conditions at the tennis courts, we never saw them again, they may still be there. I snuggled into my chair in the relative warmth of Sienna Hall with Aislin cuddled up beside me to watch the shambles that is junior primary sports.

We saw Hop Scotch, Quoits and Elastic (which should SO be an Olympic sport - my God, the suspense). Then we had sausage sizzle lunch - well the girls did - a greasy sausage smothered in tomato ketchup and wrapped in soggy white bread did not tempt me away from my vegan ways.

After lunch the rain really came down so the kids, whose parents had attended, were allowed to go home early. I thought this was a particluarly clever ploy to get more parents attending these things. Those kids that were left behind were pretty put out I can tell you. I'll bet their parents will pay for that this weekend and not dare miss another school event. I'm all for this. If I have to go so do they.

I did take some photos of the chaos but the light was poor and my camera is playing up in the most irritating manner (Mother's Day soon - hint hint) so they didn't turn out well at all. I won't sully my artistic reputation further by exhibiting them, you already know I can't take a photo to save myself - but that's a whole other blog post. You'll just have to take my word for it that my daughter excelled at everything. She was particluarly good at standing about staring dreamily at the other teams and totally missing her cue in the relays. If there is an award being presented for impersonating a gold fish she's a shoo-in*. Must go now and think up an excuse not to go to 'Sports Day Phase 2' on Monday. This is where they complete the unfinished competitions and prizes are given. It breaks my heart to miss it, but....well there you go. Tum tee tum.

*Did you know this is a horse racing term? I didn't. Tells you about it here.

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