Sunday, January 10

The post I promised Dave I’d do last week…

….then didn’t do so then promised I’d do at the weekend and am now doing. Hark at that appalling grammar – go on folks have a field day.

The End.

Just kidding.

Sigh. I’m really struggling to get into blogging again.  I want to, I really do but it’s been so long since I’ve done it regularly that I’m out of the habit (I’m talking about blogging people…blogging!).  I plan to, I open up Live Writer then I stare at the empty page for a while and suddenly remember that I have something very important to do.  I’m like this…


It’s just not in the forefront of my mind any more.  However I want it to be.  I want to get back to the days when I’d regularly think to myself ‘I must blog this’ and I’d take my camera everywhere to be sure to capture any blog fodder digitally.  So, I’m going to try to remedy this by setting a goal for two posts a week (at least) to begin with.  If that goes well then I’ll set a new goal. 

Be warned the results may be even worse than they used to be.  Bear with me please. 


laoi gaul~williams said...

bloggers block~i hate that...wanting to blog so badly but nothing comes out!

Dave said...

It's fascinating how one can substitute many other activities for the word 'blogging' in your post.

And in real life, I suppose, which is why some people don't blog every day.

Anonymous said...

I know Laoi and the more you try the harder it is. Sigh.

That occurred to me too Dave. However on the topic of blogging I'll try and surprise you this week with another post. Although it's not a surprise now is it? D'oh!

Z said...

It's only by writing a post every day that I keep blogging at all. If it were only once or twice a week, i'd lose the trick. Of course, it does sometimes make for boring posts when I can't think of anything to say.

Anonymous said...

That's it Z, I've lost my blogging mojo through lack of practice.

Dave said...

That's true of other things in life too. ;-)

Cathy said...

that's a good goal...maybe i should try it. over the past couple of days i wrote 6 posts in a frenzied attempt to get up to date....i have more to write but again can't be instead im stalking other people and catching up on blog reading :)