Sunday, November 23

Sunday in pictures

We all had a nice day and are suitably tired but happy.

There was also a birthday pavlova provided by my sister-in-law, it wasn't around long enough to photograph.

Just a reminder for anyone new to this blog, I spoke here about my reasons for watermarking photos of my (and other people's) children on this blog. Just in case you think I'd suddenly imagined myself Annie Liebovitz.

As I mentioned in the post that I linked to, help yourself to anything you like, I'm not that precious - they are words and pictures - not that important in the grand scheme of things and I certainly don't have any delusions of talent that require me to copyright it all - but leave the children alone.


laoi gaul~williams said...

what a great mop of curly red hair!
and was that rose's marmalade i saw on the table?! now i want to go and make toast...

Dave said...

It looks slightly warmer there than it is here at present. It's now snowing again (just to make you more jealous).

Anonymous said...

It's wild hair isn't it Lee? Very cute. And yes, it is Rose's, I'm a marmalade addict.

It was slightly warmer Dave and alas no snow for us.

Cathy said...

oh my gosh, just read that old post of yours and it is scary! i have so many pics of my boys up...and whilst stuff like that is in back of my mind, I want to believe it's not happening... maybe I should consider watermarking too... how long will that take me?! an eternity... why can't people just be decent?! makes me mad!