Tuesday, February 27

This life...

Sometimes I love what I do, the workshops, the coaching, the amazing people I meet. Sometimes I get such a buzz from the interaction of teaching or coaching. Sometimes I am in awe of the resilience of the human spirit, in fact I'm always in awe of that. But just sometimes it breaks my heart. Like today. Today I met two women, one young with a young family who spends her time caring for two children with disabilities, she searches and researches their illness in the hope that she can make a difference while they're still young. She's exhausted and she cried when she told me she just wants them to have a normal life. The other woman, middle aged and working hard at reclaiming her spirit told me that 26 years ago her 12 year old daughter was murdered. They never found her body so she has never had a funeral, a memorial or any kind of closure. As well as living with the guilt that any parent would have over such a thing, she also lives with the fact that others blamed her. She cried too. So did I. I am still crying. As a parent I can only imagine the kind of grief these women live with. And yet they go on, they continue to live and operate in the world, surprisingly devoid of self pity. No self pity, no anger, no bitterness just an overwhelming sadness.

I look at my life and my two healthy children and think what the fuck have I got to complain about. Seriously what? Because sometimes I do complain... and bitch.... and whine. We live in a self absorbed society and really, for a lot of us, even in our worst moments, it's nothing compared to what others live with.

It makes me grateful for my life, especially this...

1 comment:

Moby said...

What beautiful children, they bear such a striking resemblance to their stunning Aunty Moy! :)

Thanks, that was good. I have been whinging all day about kids who don't pick up after themselves or do as they are told. I got some much needed perspective.