Oh and I got a voucher to buy myself a nice new camera.
Friday, June 29
Blissfully unemployed
Oh and I got a voucher to buy myself a nice new camera.
Monday, June 25
Next Thursday will be a good day
Friday, June 22
The second special June birthday
If it's true that every person in our lives has a lesson to teach us then I know what hers is for me, and trust me, I really need to learn that lesson from this child.

June - slow blogging month
For a start there have been two very special birthdays. First, my baby sister turned 34 on the 10th. I intended to write her a whole blog to herself telling her how awesome she is - because I know 'awesome' is one of her favourite words (I'm being ironic here). But the days got away from me and it didn't happen. I feel a bit bad about that because I love her A LOT and I don't want her to think she's less important than my other sister who got a whole blog to herself in March.
I love you A LOT (have I mentioned that). I don't have the same shocked and resentful memories of your arrival into the family that I do of Moy's, I do remember however, that I really wanted a brother. I totally believed that, as there were already two girls in this family, the next child would be a boy. It just had to be. I was very surprised when it was another girl. If I'd been street savvy back then I swear (no pun intended) I'd have said WTF? I didn't though, I just took it in my (slightly bewildered) stride and got used to the fact pretty quickly. You were so cute but sheesh...noisy? Boy could you cry - that wasn't fun. So then it was a case of watching you grow up, and by the time you got to about 5 you'd overtaken me in the maturity stakes. It is still the same today. You have all the answers, you know just what to tell me even if it's not exactly what I want to hear. As soon as something (anything) happens in my life the first thing I think of is telling you (and Moy). The 50 emails we exchange every day will testify to this fact. You are absolutey, without question my very best friend (yes Moy, you are too but it's not about you today) and I'm SOOOO glad to have you in my life.
- You are the world's best researcher - you can find out everything about anything.
- You tolerate my eccentricities and hardly raise an eyebrow (at least not in front of me).
- You are the world's greatest mother (even though you don't think you are).
- You are incredibly funny and make me laugh every day.
- You love strollers and know everything about them (which has given me a business idea for you - tell you later).
- I don't have to remember anything because you remember everything - including stuff about my friends that I've forgotten.
- We can email chat for hours about David Tennant (drool).
- I can tell you anything.
- You have sometimes had to put up with more than anyone should and you will still care about what is happening to me and Moy and our families. And seriously, at those times, you would have been well within your rights to not give a shit.
- Like me, you think people who say AWESOME are lame, but will think it's funny that I am telling you that you are AWESOME!!!!
Belated happy internet birthday wishes from me, I would be lost and heartbroken without you. In the words of Tinky Winky Biiiiggggg Huuuuggg!!!
Love you. XX
Saturday, June 9
Blogging on the quiet
Friday, June 8
Tangled web...site
Remember the 5 minute web design? Well they have it in theory. Sure you can sign up, choose your design then add all your stuff, press 'publish' and you'll have a website. I'm sure it is possible to do that. When I joined up the lady on the phone said 'you can have your website up by this afternoon'. That was last Tuesday. No, it's not up yet........alright??? There is a small problem - it's the 'choose your design' part. I am ready to kill someone. It's hard to choose, they brag about having over 800 templates. Here's a head ups people 800 templates is TOO FREAKING MANY!!!! Honestly I'm going insane with the damn things. Sure I'll admit that I'm not famous for my ability to make a choice over just about anything but geez, the most decisive, emphatic king of all choosers would struggle with this.
It's very hard. Then this morning I thought I had it. I had finally decided on one, 'Venetian' if you're interested. But somehow between the 'which one would you like' and 'yes please I'll have this one' the damn thing disappeared!! So I couldn't have it. I can tell you there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth after that little debacle. So it's back to the drawing board, but seriously, I can hardly bare it. I know I have to just get on with it, and I will. But once I've made that decision I don't want to make any more, they better not ask me how many pages I want or what colour text I'd like or where I want my pictures. They'd just better not.
I've got no hope have I? Crap.
Monday, June 4
Dream date
We sure know how to party.