I have a problem....yes - that's it - in the photo. That, my friends, is my collection of notebooks, journals, diaries and organisers. I have four filofax organisers (four! WTF?). And they are real filofax organisers - the big one cost me $400 about 10 years ago (hey, I got a promotion at work, I was celebrating). I have journals in every size, silk bound, leather bound, even plain old spiral bound. There are many, many notebooks.....for all my....well.....notes. And lists of course, I make lots of lists.
They are all beautiful, I love them but I have enough to last quite a while now. But still I covet this, this and these.
Oh yes, I certainly do have a problem. I tried to explain it to Tom (who incidentally just spent 2 hours wandering around the hardware store - enough said), 'it's a disease' I said. He just shook his head and walked away.
You like them don't you? I know you're examining that photo closely, I know you want them too. You're secret is safe with me.
I do want them. I can take them off your hands for you. You know, next time I'm over. Eh? What do you think? No? Didn't think so haha.
Yes, because I'm sure you have a huge shortage of such things in your life (don't lie, I've seen the photos, read the emails and checked your suitcase) :)
They're lovely aren't they? Sigh.
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