Tuesday, September 25

Action packed....

...is what our day was yesterday.....

I started my day by poking myself in the eye with a bristle hairbrush, not intentionally you understand, it was one of those freak accidents. How I managed to get the bristle brush, my head and my eye in perfect alignment for the jab is a mystery, but somehow I did and the result was, and is, excrutiating. It wasn't a good day to do that because I had a lot to do (includng seeing a client) and as I already have a miserable head cold I didn't need the added pressure of getting around with one eye scrunched shut and streaming. It certainly gave me a certain pirate-like charm but one I could happily have done without thank you very much. But I struggled through the day, unfortunately with not a noggin of rum to be had.

Now if it had happened last Wednesday I could have gotten away with it because everyone would just have thought I enthusiastically participating in International Talk like a Pirate Day, I could even have worn an eye patch and been right up to the minute.

On top of that it was the first day of Tom's holidays and he had to go into work, where he stayed until 10pm. Apparently there was some kind of tree emergency he hadn't managed to deal with on Friday. I'm hoping that was the reason and he wasn't just avoiding the challenge of being around a pirate all day without laughing.

Anyway, I won't bore you with the details of my hectic, swashbuckling day, I'm just glad it's over. Today, my eye still hurts (a lot) my cold is worse and so I'm going to have a rest. Tom is now really on holiday and has volunteered to do the school runs (in fact he's doing the drop off now) and I am going back to bed to nurse my injury, cough a lot and probably use a whole box of tissues.

So that's it for today.....me hearties......

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