Monday, January 21

Tree magic

On Friday morning I was pottering around the house tidying and cleaning. The girls were playing in the garden and Aislin came in and asked me to come down to the Willows and play with them. It was then I heard myself say 'not now, I've got things to do....maybe later'. She just looked at me and turned and walked away - leaving my heart lying bleeding on the floor. I looked at the basket of laundry waiting to be folded and dishwasher waiting to be emptied and the dusting waiting to be done and figured it wasn't going anywhere. So I made myself a cup of tea, grabbed my book and went to join them.

We have a creek at the bottom of our garden and beside that creek we have three massive Willow trees. Under those Willows is the most incredibly magical space. The weeping branches touch the ground all the way around creating a huge, green 'cave'. Once inside you are totally cocooned by the trees. It's like walking into fairyland, and when I'm there I feel completely relaxed, peaceful and safe. I love those trees. There are other magical trees down there including two Hawthorns and a couple of tall Eucalypts. It is a very special place.

When we came to see this house for the first time I walked in and was disappointed. The words 'neglected', 'ugly' and 'unloved' sprang to mind - not to mention 'smelly'. We walked around with the obsequious real estate agent simpering behind us and me saying 'yuck' and 'no way' the whole time. She took us into the garden, I gave a little, it was a big block, it had lovely trees and potential. Then she took us down to the creek. I walked under those Willows and said 'we'll take it'. And we did.

So on Friday I spent the whole day, reclining on my sun lounge hanging out under the Willows....once again the house was neglected.

They can all at once be soft and drapey......

....and gnarly......

....and peaceful.......

If you feel like it there is lots of scope for jumping.....

...and swinging......

Aislin loves the trees and spent a lot of time 'doing their hair' by tying ribbons on some of their long tresses and well as the the ubiquitous tree-hugging (because apparently it was their birthday).

They are perfect for climbing......

....and it is the best place we have for reading....

...and drinking tea......

Yes, we all like it there.....


Moyra said...

It looks so nice. Well, I know it is nice but you know what I mean, Cute pics. I like the Sophie picture.

Cathy said...

We grew up in the suburbs but the house next door to us had one of these beautiful trees at the just brought back some fond memories :)

Leanne said...

beautiful post!

leane x