Wednesday, January 21

Little catch up....

I am incredibly busy just now, I have a couple of impossible deadlines hence my lack of presence here and in your blog comment columns (be grateful).

There have been some other activities, the girls had 'sleep overs' at friends' homes at the weekend, we had dinner with some friends on Sunday night and lunch with them on Monday too... not planned but just the way things worked out.

I'm experiencing one of my sleepless episodes, I've mentioned before that I occasionally suffer from insomnia and can be found creeping round the house at 3am. Last night I just couldn't get to sleep at all, I got up and stared at the television for a while...I could have live blogged the inauguration but I didn't. Momentous as it was. I eventually went back to bed and continued to toss and turn for a while. The last time I looked at the clock it was 4.27am. I slept soon after that I think...until 7am. I'm tired.

I'll leave you with this image...the tag cloud of President Obama's inauguration speech..

... it came from here if you're interested.


Dave said...

You do what you have to, and don't worry about us.

Cathy said...

Hope you're okay. I just wrote my own mammoth catch-up post (not that exciting)! Seriously, you should get the sleep book I referred to - I think it would be good for adults too because it explains sleep cycles and circadian rhythms etc - very interesting, and it may just help you...

Anonymous said...

I have that book, it helped with Aislin's sleep 'issues' but hasn't helped with mine.

Off to read your mammoth post Cathy.

Cathy said...
